The Importance of Healthcare in Canada

Healthcare is essential to the well being of every person in Canada. Healthcare is a pillar of the Canadian way of life—it is a large part of our culture and our values. While there is a great deal of debate about the direction of the health care system and what changes should be made, there is universal agreement that effective healthcare is indispensable to preserve quality of life and promote the health of Canadians.

The Canadian healthcare system is a vast network of care providing services to the population of Canada. It is comprised of numerous government and private institutions, providers, and organizations. Together, they provide services from primary care and emergency services to secondary and specialized services.

Healthcare is a tangible expression of the principle of the common good. In Canada, this is expressed through the broad range of services that are accessible to everyone, regardless of socio-economic status. In this way, the Canadian healthcare system provides a protective barrier against the devastating effects of inequalities in access to healthcare services.

Making sure that everyone in Canada has access to quality healthcare is an important goal, but it is also an extremely challenging one because of the wide variation in the demographics of the population. The ratio between the number of people who need care and those who can provide it varies greatly from region to region. This means that the amount of resources allocated for healthcare services must be balanced to meet the needs of everyone in the country, regardless of race, age, or geography.

In order to adequately meet the needs of the population, Canada’s healthcare system must be efficient, cost effective, and provide a high level of quality care for Canadians. This requires a considerable level of investment in medical research, technology, training of medical personnel, and infrastructure.

The government of Canada invests a great deal in the long-term sustainability of the healthcare system. This includes funding for public health initiatives, such as immunization programs, disease prevention efforts, and public awareness campaigns.

By ensuring adequate funding and support, the government is able to ensure that the healthcare system remains an affordable and accessible option for Canadians. This is critical, as access to healthcare contributes to savings in healthcare costs that can be invested into other areas of the economy.

Canada’s healthcare system is an important aspect of the economy and of the overall quality of life in the country. It is essential for sustaining health, reducing poverty, and providing social services. The healthcare system is not only a vital public service, but also an integral part of the Canadian way of life. Without it, it would be difficult for Canadians to achieve and maintain a high standard of health and wellbeing.

What it Takes to Live a Sober Life

Drug addiction is an all-too-common festering problem in our society. It costs individuals, families, and communities a great deal in terms of lives, health, and resources. Fortunately, there are treatments and recovery options available for individuals struggling with addiction, but it takes an immense effort to climb the ladder to sobriety.

Recovery from addiction involves much more than just removing the drugs. It involves a total lifestyle change, which can be a daunting step to take. Recovery can be made easier by going through a formal treatment program, which typically includes a complete physical, psychological, and social assessment to start the process. A comprehensive plan is created based on the individual’s needs and they often undergo detoxification and formal mental health therapy. In addition, individuals in recovery can access a variety of other support services including counseling, employment assistance, spiritual guidance, and support groups.

A key to sobriety is having a strong foundation of support. A strong support system that includes family and close friends, as well as community organizations that offer support and guidance, can have a profound effect on an individual’s recovery. Having a caring, understanding person or group to lean on can provide much-needed strength and hope.

Self-care is another major factor in the recovery process. Establishing regular routines in life can help keep addicts focused on their goal. Eating a balanced diet, exercising, getting plenty of restorative sleep, and avoiding triggers are all integral components of self-care. Addiction is often the result of unresolved pain, so integrating activities such as yoga and meditation into a recovery program can be beneficial in helping manage and address these deep-seated issues.

Attending 12-Step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, are also important steps in the recovery process. These programs encourage peer support and allow individuals to discuss their struggles and learn how to cope without the use of drugs.

In addition to formal treatments, the 12 Steps and self-care, a strong emphasis needs to be placed on relapse prevention. Relapse can be triggered by stressful events, old habits, toxic friendships and temptations. The key to avoiding a relapse is learning how to manage triggers and to identify and resolve underlying problems. It is also important to have a plan for when things get tough and to have a supportive system in place to help get through difficult times.

No matter what treatment plan is put in place, sobriety requires a diligent effort and commitment to staying healthy and whole. Building long-term sobriety requires the hard work of both the individual and their support team. Anything worth doing takes effort, and the effort put into recovery from addiction can be life-changing. With the right tools and guidance, an individual can discover a vibrant and meaningful life free from drugs.

What is Adult-Onset Asthma?

Adult-onset asthma is defined simply by its name. Once one has hit the adult stages of life, he/she may experience this type, yet even so, there are certain groups that are more susceptible to it. Some are listed as follows; “women who are having hormonal changes, such as those who are pregnant or who are experiencing menopause; women who take estrogen following menopause for 10 years or longer, people who have just had certain viruses or illnesses, such as cold or flu; people with allergies, especially to cats; people who have GERD, a type of chronic heartburn with reflux; people who are exposed to environmental irritants, such as tobacco smoke, mold, dust, feather beds, or perfume.”

These are the kind of factors that make adult-onset asthma different than the rest because it is one of the types that one can be faced with later in his/her lifetime, rather than as a child. In turn, not all asthma is something that’s inherited from one’s family – and/or one’s medical history – but can instead be encountered based on his/her surrounding environment, health and wellness, and/or what he/she is subject to. Fortunately, adult-onset asthma can be managed if one follows his/her doctor’s plan and keeps up with his/her day-to-day routine. If one doesn’t then his/her symptoms risk the chance of not getting any better.

 As a result, adult-onset asthma and occupational asthma have a little bit in common because they both occur in response to something that the person is surrounded by. The only difference is that occupational asthma is centered around work, but in terms of symptoms a lot of the same ones can show up for someone with adult-onset asthma if their environment consists of “cigarette smoke, some chemicals, dust, pollen, and/or mold.” The reason why is because “allergies trigger at least 30% of cases of adult asthma.”

In conclusion, it is important for one who is experiencing asthma as an adult to meet with his/her doctor to receive help in relation to his/her condition and to better observe what the underlying reason might be for him/her developing it. In doing so, lifestyle changes may need to take place for the individual’s airways to have any chance of getting better. If you are experiencing “wheezing, coughing with or without mucus, shortness of breath, chest tightness or pressure, or colds that seem to linger” then you may want to seek out the help of a medical professional to receive the best care.

Lapse VS. Relapse

When many think of a lapse they oftentimes associate it with a lapse in time. But a lapse is defined as, “an accidental or temporary decline or deviation from an expected or accepted condition or state; a temporary falling or slipping from a previous standard.” This differs from relapse in a number of ways because a relapse “represents a full-blown return to a pattern of behavior that one has been trying to moderate or quit altogether.”

In turn, although they are both similar to one another – as each involves the backslide of the individual – the difference between the two helps to distinguish the stage of the person’s addiction. One example of a lapse is if someone ends up slipping up, and using the preferred substance once or twice; but when one relapses he/she usually gets worse – and/or finds himself/herself fully immersed back into his/her addiction. However, if one is not careful – when experiencing a lapse – he/she might find himself/herself trapped by feelings of shame or guilt; that’s why it’s crucial for the addict to stay encouraged – or in the right mindset – despite his/her slip up. In doing so, he/she is a lot more likely to bounce back – compared to those who dwell in their mistake. 

In addition to this, it would also be foolish to think that one living drug/alcohol-free no longer feels the urge to resume use. For several triggers – that stem from the individual’s environment or the outside world – risks jeopardizing that person’s progress. Not only that, but his/her inner thoughts begin to take a toll as well – as thoughts of what it felt like to be under the influence have the potential to sweep in due to high-stress situations.

In conclusion, it is important to know the difference between these two – no matter whether you’re a struggling addict or a recovery addict – because it can make all the difference when looking at your road to recovery. In fact, it’s better to be mindful – so that you have a better chance of ridding the substance right at its source. Just keep in mind that sobriety is not impossible for those who have experienced a lapse – or a relapse; but even so, addiction isn’t easy so it will still take some time for them to autocorrect back into the right direction.

Rehab Options Offered In Canada

“In 2012, it was determined that 18.1% of Canadians met the criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence at some time in their lives, many of which were in that past year. This number grew to 19% in 2016. Alcohol, by a wide margin, is the most abused substance in Canada.” As a result, it is important that those who are struggling with substance abuse, no matter whether it comes in the form of drugs or alcohol, seek treatment.

But in Canada, where should one start his/her search for the right rehab? Well he/she should first know of factors like “cost, waiting list, staff ratio, and aftercare”. First and foremost is cost, and while “most government-funded treatments do have cost, but it will be per the income of the client or what the client can pay such part of his welfare check, unemployment, etc.” Second is the waiting list where “most private treatments do not have any waiting list. As per our research, government-subsidized rehabs have on average 4 to 12 weeks of waiting list. In some case, it can be up to a year.” Third is staff ratio;  “usually private treatments have better clinical staff/client ratios than subsidize rehabs.” And fourth is aftercare; “the quality of the aftercare for each type of treatments will have to be determined. A good advice would be to ask the treatment facility what type of aftercare programs they have.”

It is with these four factors that addicts seeking help towards their recovery are better able to find the right fit for them. Without extensive research, and exhausting their resources, they might find themselves making the wrong choice, rather than finding a place which provides them with comfort, as well as quality substance abuse treatment programs. But through much research, all questions and concerns they might have can be answered beforehand, providing them with reassurance before making their choice.  

In conclusion, it is important that one takes all these into consideration before beginning to weigh their options. In doing so, they will find themselves on a much quicker road to recovery, so that they can regain a happy and healthy life, mentally as well as physically. It is then that they can live a drug and alcohol free life, away from the burden of addiction. But this can only be done through the process of taking the first step, which is choosing a rehab, and taking part in it.

The Relationship Between Canada and Australia

Australia CanadaCanada and Australia are two countries that are very cooperative with one another. The good relationship between Canada and Australia goes all the way to the top. Both countries are under the monarchy, which means there are no hassles for travelers going back and forth between the two countries. Both countries being under the monarchy means that they both still have some allegiance to the Queen. How so varies between the two different systems of government. They have similar forms of government and comparable world standing. Both are considered peaceful countries of relatively the same rank. What’s more, Australians and Canadians have always taken an interest in one another’s cultures. Perhaps this is a result of one being a hot, desert landscape and one being a snowy, mountainous landscape. Regardless, Australians and Canadians seem to get a kick out of one another and get along swimmingly.

The truest reflection of the good relationship between Australia and Canada is the ease of travel and exchange between the two countries. The citizens of either country who are in their early to mid twenties love to travel between the two countries. Australians find the mountains and snowboarding culture of Canada irresistible, while Canadians love to hit the sunny beaches of Australia to surf and tan. If you are from either of these countries and you are in this age range, chances are you know someone from the other country that made your acquaintance through travel. The economic and business relationship between the two countries is also very pliable, relaxed and cooperative.

Canada and Australia are similar culturally speaking. Both are obviously English speaking, but are also thoroughly Westernized. The two countries have similar values and share many religious aspects. They are very welcoming to each other’s tourists and travelers. Canada and Australia model a very functional relationship between two countries. If more countries were to follow their example, the world would be a more harmonious place.

Australia’s Health Care System

Australia healthcareHealthcare in Australia is among some of the best in the world. Australian people are considered to be some of the most content people anywhere on the globe with their medical system. When the United States integrated their private healthcare system with Obamacare, Australia was one of the countries they looked to for an example of how to offer both types of health insurance to the public. Thanks to good legislation, a balanced budget and wise economists, Australia is a model country for making healthcare accessible to citizens and residents.

The federal government administers a public healthcare system called Medicare, which has been in effect since 1984. In summary, those enrolled in Medicare have approximately three quarters of their medical expenses covered, between prescriptions, specialists, general physicians and hospital stays. National health policy is determined by the Public Minister for Health, while local governments are responsible for the operations of their regional medical facilities. There is a Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme that operates separately from Medicare and handles the costs of prescriptions to the public. Australia currently ranks in first place of all countries in the world for the healthy living of its residents.

With such an outstanding medical system of their own, Australians have little need to travel in order to receive medical care. Their own healthcare system is so advanced that most medical services they require are accessible to them within their own country. However, there are some medical services that Australians are without. In these cases, it is wise for Australian citizens and residents to travel abroad in order to receive the medical care they need. Traveling to Canada for the purpose of medical care can be an enormous benefit to Australians. Canada and Australia are both under the monarchy, which allows their citizens to travel between the two countries effortlessly. Canadian doctors specialize in forms of medicine that are less developed in Australia. The exchange of information that takes place when Canadians and Australians travel interchangeably for the purpose of medical tourism is profound.



Australians in Canada

australians canadaAustralians and Canadians travel to each other’s countries frequently. Australia and Canada are both under the monarchy, which makes travel between the two countries very painless. It is a considerable air fare, but because the two countries have such a good relationship, Aussies are treated like brethren in Canada. They are able to find work, access Canadian healthcare and live among Canadians effortlessly.

Work and holiday visas are easy for Australians to acquire when traveling to Canada. There are more visas processed for Australians than any other nationality in Canada. Temporary visas give the visa holder access to the healthcare system, and they give them the right work. One particularly popular travel venture for Australians is to work in a Canadian ski town and board or ski the slopes through the winter. Australians also flock to Western Canada to fruit pick.

Although Canada and Australia are particularly friendly to one another, they are drastically different countries, particularly in climate. Canada is cold and holds more fresh water than any other country on earth. Australia is hot and arid, with ongoing drought conditions. The culture and dialect are vastly different between the two countries. This creates a great deal of intrigue between Canada and Australia. Many travellers between the two countries go there to experience a totally different environment.

Both the Canadian and the Australian healthcare systems have a lot to offer their residents. Both are considered some of the better run national healthcare systems. Both offer first world medical technology and advancements and the practice of medicine is well established in both countries. Specialists and general practicioners alike compete for positions in these countries. They also offer unique services between the two countries, which creates appeal for those who are looking to travel for medical purposes.

Canada’s Medical Health Treatment Options

Canada medical healthPeople from all over the world take advantage of Canada’s renowned social healthcare system. Considered the best socialized medical system in the Western world, Canada’s healthcare system is renowned for its successful model of accessible healthcare for residents and citizens. Medical tourists from Australia and other regions come to Canada for healthcare reasons and discover how high quality the medical system is in Canada. Canadian physicians are trained under very high standards and are very well regulated by the Canadian medical system. Some of the most highly utilized medical services in Canada are as follows:

  • General medicine. General family physicians in Canada are an invaluable resource. Most are trained in Canada and then enter the work force, but many general physicians in Canada come from other regions of the world, such as Japan and India. Canadian medicine follows Western medicine philosophy, but there are a number of naturopathic practicioners in Canada who offer a more Eastern philosophy on medicine as well. Both are considered valuable assets to Canadian medicine.
  • Specialized medicine. Specialists in Canada are highly trained medical professionals who are called upon to handle the specific and complex medical problems of Canadians and people who come to Canada to use the medical system. Canadian specialists are highly desirable commodities. Canada is home to some specialists of world renown who are considered the best in their field by global standards.
  • Surgery and hospital. The surgical and hospital services of Canada are also considered to be premiere. Many people from around the globe deliberately take advantage of Canada’s surgical capabilities as well as their premiere hospital facilities.

Canada’s Mental Health Treatment Options

Canada mental health treatmentEveryone knows that Canada has one of the best run socialized healthcare systems in the world, and often times, the quality of mental health treatment in Canada is overlooked as the world focuses on the country’s medical provisions. This is a shame because the mental health treatment services in Canada rank among the best in the world. Most provinces in Canada do not treat mental health problems under the socialized medical system, meaning it is a largely privatized sector, although there are some mental health services that are covered by provincial care. For Australians, or people from other regions of the world, these services can be valuable reasons to engage in medical tourism. Some of the mental health specialties in Canada are as follows:

  • Counseling. Throughout the United States and Canada, counseling services are very similar in nature. They operate under many of the same standards and protocols. Counseling services in Canada are highly respected and sought after. Canadian counselors must meet minimum certification standards in order to practice counseling. Typically this position requires a master’s degree in psychology, as well as a certain amount of time put into practicum and training.
  • Rehabilitation. Like counseling, rehabilitation in Canada is largely privatized. Executive, luxury and high standard rehabilitation programs are not funded by the government. For low income residents or people who wish to be economical, there are government run rehabs that are covered by health insurance, or there are sometimes loan options for a variety of rehabs. Rehabilitation is necessary for people who are struggling to end their addiction or substance abuse.
  • Behavioral centers. Similar to rehabs, behavioral centers are a place where people who are struggling with mental illness and disorder go to recover. In Canada, some are government funded while others are private. Canada has similar mental health statistics to the United States. There are a large variety of mental disorders and problems present in Canada, but the behavioral centers and mental health services of Canada are some of the best in the world.